2001 Pierce Saber 1250gpm "CAFS" Engine
2019 Ford F250 Brush Truck
1990 - 1999
2010 to 2019
2000 - 2009
1980 - 1990
1948 - 1950
2005 Pierce Dash 2500 gallon Tanker
2019 Ford F550 / Vengeant 1250gpm Mini-Pumper
1985 Ford C / Pierce Mfg. 1000 gpm Pumper
2022 Pierce Enforcer 3000 gal. Tanker
2020 to Present
As we rounded into May and June of 2020, members began to meet again and trainings began to resume, following guidelines put fourth by the CDC.
May 2020 - 21 New Draeger SCBA's were placed into service thanks to the FEMA grant which was awarded to us in 2019.
August 7th, 2020, the new Attack was delivered to Station, the process of getting the truck ready for service began.
A regional grant was applied for through FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant in late 2020 to purchase 2 new Combination Cutter/Spreader rescue tools. The grant was applied for as a regional grant which included Pennsburg and Oley Fire Companies.
December 2020 - New I-pads were installed in Attack, Engine, Tanker and Brush 19-1.
In March of 2021 a committee was formed to start the process of replacing the 2005 Pierce Tanker. The membership decided to replace the Tanker at 17.5 years and keep the new tanker for 17.5 years for everything to fall in line with our replacement plan based on adjustments of selling the 2010 Engine early,
In June 2021 the company signed an agreement with Pierce Manufacturing to purchase a 2022 Pierce Enforcer 3000 gallon tanker. The truck is expected to be delivered in July of 2022.
Also in June of 2021, A grant request was submitted to the PA DCNR to replace the skid unit on Brush 19-1. This would replace the 25 year old skid unit and better align the age of the unit with the age of the truck.
The company was notified by PA DCNR in August 2021 that the skid unit grant was approved. A contract was signed with Wild Bear Fire of Shanesville, PA to purchase a new 150 gallon skid unit with dual hose reels for Brush 19-1. The old skid unit was place up for sale in November 2021.
In August of 2021, companies who took part in the 2020 FEMA regional grant were notified that the rescue tool grant was awarded. Total award for all 3 companies exceeded $275,000.
In October 2021, our 2005 Pierce Tanker was listed for sale. Shortly after listing the truck, we were contacted by members of the Milroy Hose Company in Miffilin County, PA. With-in a few short weeks, the an agreement of sale was signed between our two organizations. The 2005 will be delivered to them once the new tanker arrives/
On December 23rd 2022 the Company took delivery of 2 new Hurst E3 E-draulic "Combi" Tools to be placed into service on Engine and Attack 19. These are the first of their kind rescue tools for the company.
Our new Skid Unit was placed into service in January of 2022
At our Holiday Party on January 16th, 2022, we honored four member who have each served our company in varying rolls for many decades. Steve Reinert - 49 Years Of Service, Ernie Moser - 48 Years Of Service, David Spohn - 48 Years Of Service, Leroy Fetterman - 44 Years Of Service. With almost a combined 200 years of service, these gentleman have reached a milestone which is becoming harder and harder to find. We are forever grateful of their dedication.
Earl Township Fire Company - 1951
1970 - 1980
2008 Ford F350's - Brush 19 & 19-1
1955 Ford F600 / Boyertown Body Works Pumper
Photo courtesy of Robert Ward
1960 - 1970
2015 Pierce Saber 4x4 CAFS Engine
1950 - 1960
1973 Jeep J4000 Brush Truck / 1969 International Tanker
2010 Pierce Arrow XT 1250gpm Engine
Earl Township Fire Company - 1983
1926 American Lafrance Pumper
1998 Pierce Dash 1250 gpm Pumper
All Rights Reserved Earl Township Vol. Fire Co. No. 1 © 2024
Emergency Dial: 911
Non Emergency
Fire, Rescue: (610) 655-4921
Office: (610) 369-1800
Fax: (610) 369-7233
Privacy Policy
Earl Township Vol. Fire Co. No. 1
1340 Ironstone Drive
Boyertown, PA 19512
Office Hours:
Training Night: Monday 6:30 - 9 p.m.
Meeting: 2nd Tuesday/Month 7 p.m.