• In 2014 a committee was formed to begin the process of replacing the 2001 Pierce Saber Engine.  Once again, Pierce Manufacturing was contracted to build as 2015 Saber CAFS 4x4 Engine.  The 2001 was placed up for sale.
  • A contract was signed with "Jon's Mid America Fire Apparatus" to purchase the 2001 Engine once the new one arrived. 
  • In March of 2015 the Pierce 2015 Pierce Saber was delivered and the placed into service within a month of delivery.
  • The 2001 was released to Jon's Mid America fire apparatus.  Later, Jon's Mid America would sell the 2001 to the Summit Fire and Medical fire district just outside of Flagstaff Arizona.
  • In 2018, a regional grant was applied for through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to replace our 15 year old SCBA.  The Grant included Boyertown Area Fire & Rescue, Oley Fire Company and Gilbertsville Fire and Rescue.
  • August 14th, 2018, a new thermal imaging camera was placed into service thanks to a generous donation by a resident who did not want to be named!

2001 Pierce Saber 1250gpm "CAFS" Engine

  • A thermal imaging camera is purchased in Nov. 05’ to assist in firefighting.
  • Berks County Begins preparations to install a new Highband Paging system, New pagers will be ordered for each member.
  • In November 2006 the Earl Township Fire Co. accepts a patch design that will be recognized as the official patch of the fire company
  • February 2007 – A new washer, dryer and 15 sets of fire fighting gear is purchased through a federal grant
  • In April of 2007 www.EarlTownshipFire.com goes live on the internet
  • On June 10th, 2007 the Earl Township Vol. Fire Co. received a generous donation as well as 70 tickets to the Reading Phillies for winning the Heart Healthy Challenge Contest
  • January 2008- A committee was formed to replace the 73’ Jeep and the 95’ Chevy brush truck with 2008 Ford F-350 Reg. Cab w/flat bed & 2008 Ford F-350 Crew Cab Pick up
  • The Pierce Saber Engine is received in August, 2001 and is placed into service in October.
  • 2001 Purchases:  24’ garage door (to replace two single doors) to accommodate new pumper truck, additional equipment for new pumper truck, remodeling of social hall, heat sensing gun and storage shed.
  • A Fire Alarm System is installed in the Fire House in 2002.
  • 2002 Purchases:  large portable tank, two new air packs, forestry gear, portable pump, 2,000’ of 5” hose and ten new Tone-alert pagers.
  • 2003 Purchases:  New computer
  • October 2003 Marked the 1st annual Earl Township Fire Company Golf Tournament.
  • Received Forestry Grant February 11, 2003 for $1905.00
  • Berks County Communication Center offered to maintain radio tower.  
  • October 2003 -  A New truck committee was formed to replace the 1990 Tanker 
  • December 2003: Berks County Community Grant-Received $4000.00 for radios and gear rack.
  • State Grant: applied for $1500.00 for debt reduction.
  • 2004 Purchases:  (2) chainsaws, vent saw, box saw and chains.
  • In 1983 the Tank Truck is re-conditioned with new pipes and level lights for $4,000.00 and four portable radios are purchased for communication between firefighters and the Communication Center.
  • A Truck Committee is formed in 1984 and Pierce Manufacturing, Inc is contracted to build a 1,000gpm Pumper Truck for $101,000.00.
  • In 1984, $1,900.00 is received from the Bureau of Forestry to purchase brush gear.  The Fire Company submits an application to the PA State Volunteer Loan Assistance Program for $50,000.00 for a 10 year, 2% loan for the new pumper.
  • The first payment of  $35,440.00 is made on the Pierce Pumper Truck in March 1985.
  • An Emergency Operation Center is created at the Fire House in 1985 and three radios are purchased with EOC funds from PECO.
  • In 1985 the State approved the $50,000.00, 10 year, 2% loan.

2019 Ford F250 Brush Truck

  • January 2004: Looking into new roof on Banquet Hall at cost of  $10,950.00
  • March 2004 - For the safety of our residents a Generator will be purchased and installed.
  • April 2005- Loan Approved for 2005 Pierce Tanker
  • June 2005- All Officers and Firefighters are in compliance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS)
  • September 2005- 1990 Pierce tanker is sold Shackleville Fire Company outside of Greenville Alabama
  • September 2005- The Fire Company takes delivery of our 2005 Pierce Dash Tanker


  • In June of 2019, a committee was formed to begin the task of replacing the 2005 Pierce Dash Tanker.  The discussion to replaced the truck was long and painful.  It was tossed around to either purchase a commercial chassis with an elliptical tank or a custom chassis with a custom built body.  It was then discovered that most commercial trucks would not fit in the station due to our height restriction.  Our trucks cannot be over a height of 9ft 7in.  An idea was thrown into the mix of possibly replacing the 2010 Engine instead.  The truck was not being utilized as much as originally intended. 
  • At a meeting in July of 2019, the decision was made to replace the 2010 Engine with a Mini-Pumper/Attack and keep the 2005 Pierce Tanker for an extra 5 years. 
  • On September 20th, 2019 , companies included in the FEMA Regional Grant were notified that all were awarded funds to replace outdated SCBA.  A grant which was worth over $500,000. Our company then placed an order for new Draeger SCBA.
  • In September of 2019, a grant for over $2000 was awarded to our company by Wawa for scene safety equipment which included 4 large traffic warning signs, new cones, detour and arrows signs and rechargeable flares.
  • Our first ever 5k race Fundraiser was held on Saturday, October 13th in Pikeville.  The "Stop Drop and Run" 5K was very successful for our first attempt at this type of fund raiser and will continue to be an annual event for the foreseeable future.
  • After researching a few manufacturers, A contract was signed in November of 2019 with  Vengeant Fire Apparatus out of Annville, PA, to build a 2019 Ford F550 Attack pumper.  The truck would be equipped with a 1250gpm pto pump and 300 gallons of water.
  • The 2010 Pierce Arrow Engine was placed up for Sale in November.

1990 - 1999

  • In 1990 an application is submitted and approved for a $50,000.00, 10 year, 2% loan through the PA State Volunteer Loan Assistance Program .
  • The 2,500 gallon Pierce Tank Truck with 1,000gpm pump is delivered in March 1990 and is equipped with a generator, 3” and 1 ¾” hose, and additional equipment.
  • 1992 Purchases: Computer, 1,500’ of 5” hose, float dock, piercing nozzle, on-spot tire chains for Pumper and Tanker Trucks.
  • The Earl Township Board of Supervisors recognize the fire company as the official fire company of Earl Township in 1993
  • In 1993 construction begins on a 25’ x 64’ addition to Fire House to be used for a training room, office, engineer’s room and storage.  Earl Township Boy Scout Troop is also granted permission to use Fire House basement for meetings this year forward.
  • 1993 Purchases:  Eight Cairns air packs
  • A Truck Committee is formed in 1994 for the purchase of Brush Truck and a 1995 Chevy 3500ndiesel chassis is purchased from Quigley Chevrolet for this Brush Truck
  • In 1995 E.M. Kutz and Badger Body by Omaha is contracted to build the body of the Brush Truck and Custom Fiberglass is contracted for Tank and Slide-in Brush Unit installation..
  • 1995 Purchases:  Toxic gas detector and additional radios with headset capability
  • The Chevy Brush Truck received in April 1996.
  • In 1997 the Jeep Brush Truck is reconditioned with a new Slide-in Brush Unit with a 60 gpm pump and 115 gallon water tank and tool box.  The old unit is sold to Mt. Penn Fire Co. (Sta. 1), Berks County Pa.

2010 to 2019

  • In February 2010 the 1998 Pierce Dash is placed for sale in anticipation of receiving the new engine in August or September of this year.
  • April 2010 a sales agreement is signed between Earl Twp Fire Co. and the Philadelphia Steam Fire Engine Company of Pottstown for the purchase of our 1998 Pierce Dash.
  • June 2010 the first few build pictures of the 2010 Arrow XT are received and the 1998 Engine is stripped and ready to ship to the Phillies Fire Company.
  • On August 16th, 2010 our new Pierce Arrow XT engine was delivered to the station.
  • March of 2011 a committee was formed to investigate adding an ATV brush unit to our fleet.  The mountainous landscape of Earl Township combined with hard to access brush fires in the past made the decision fairly easy. 
  • In May of 2011 a Polaris Ranger 6x6 was ordered and delivered the following month.  The unit is equipped with a Kimtec Corp. skid unit with a 70 gal. tank and a 50 g.p.m. pump.  It will also serve as a unit for search and rescue from hard to access areas as it is equipped with a spot for a stokes basket

2000 - 2009

  • In 2000 the $50,000.00 loan for the 1990 Tanker Truck is paid off.  
  • Also in 2000 a Truck Committee is formed for the purchase of a Pumper Truck with a compressed air foam system and 4 wheel drive and a 2001 Pierce Saber Engine is ordered in December.  The new Earl Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 by-laws are approved this year.
  • 2000 Purchases:  five voice amplifiers for air masks, 1,200’ of forestry hose, 340 gpm portable pump for residential flooding, new air pack cylinders, roof repairs

1980 - 1990

  • Two additional Air Packs are purchased in 1980
  • In 1980 the Fire House restrooms are enlarged and remodeled to meet Handicap Accessibility Requirements for $17,800.00.
  • A 2,100 gallon portable tank is purchased in 1981
  • In 1982 construction begins on another two bay addition to the Engine Room.  Donations of materials and volunteer labor help to defer costs.
  • September 10, 1983 a Housing and Dedication Ceremony is held to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Earl Township Volunteer Fire Company No.1 and the completion of the two bay addition. 
  • In March of 2019, Brush 19-1, our 2008 Ford F350 was involved in a single vehicle accident in Birdsboro.  While running errands to a fire equipment supplier in Reading, the driver suffered a medical emergency.  The truck crossed the center divider and struck the front porch of the Birdsboro Sportsmen's Club.  The driver was taken to Reading hospital where he was fortunately treated and released.  Unfortunately the truck suffered significant damage and was replaced.
  • In April of 2019, a 2019 Ford F250 was purchased and sent to 911 Rapid Response in Annville, PA to have lights, sirens, graphics and some other mechanical up-fitting work done. 
  • The 2019 F250 was delivered on May 14th, 2019.  The skid unit from the 2008 was installed on the 2019 on the day it arrived and was placed into service almost immediately.

1948 - 1950

  • July 9, 1948 – First meeting was held to create a volunteer fire company for Earl Township.  Herman Sassaman was appointed temporary chairman; yearly dues were set at $1.00,  Company meetings to be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month and the first fundraiser would be a clam bake. 
  • August, 1948 a committee is formed to search for property on which to build a Fire House.
  • Sept. 8, 1948  - PA grants a Charter to "Earl Township Volunteer Fire Company  No. 1"
  • A 1926 American LaFrance Pumper is donated by the Keystone Steam Fire Engine Company Of Boyertown to serve as our first Engine.
  • 2 ½ acres is purchased at 1340 Ironstone Drive for $550.00 in late 1948
  • 1949 - Property is cleared and the trees that were cut down were milled and this lumber is used in the construction of Earl Township Volunteer Fire House.  Construction begins in September 1949.   The building will have a 2 bay engine room, social hall and a basement bar room / social club.
  • Truck Committee is formed to replace the 1985 Pumper Truck in 1997.  An order is placed with Pierce MFG for a 1998 Pierce Dash Engine.  The truck is equipped with a 1500 gpm Pump ,1000 gallon tank and 6kw generator..  The truck will seat 8 with 5 of those seats being SCBA equipped.. 
  • The 1985 Pumper Truck is sold in 1998 to "Company Two Fire Apparatus", a fire apparatus dealer in South Carolina.
  • In 1998 the Earl Township Fire Co. takes delivery of a Pierce Dash Engine and is placed into service in October of the same year.  The 1955 Ford Pumper Truck is then retired, to be placed in the Boyertown Historic Museum.
  • October 5, 1998 the 50th Anniversary and Housing Ceremony is held.
  • 1998 Purchases:  1,600’ of 5” hose
  • Earl Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 is recognized as a Federal Tax Exempt Organization in 1999 and a 1974 Dodge Forestry Truck is received from the Forestry Department.
  • 1999 Purchases:  New computer, twenty five fire fighting helmets, breathing air compressor system to re-fill air packs, and for the new Forestry Truck, a pump, hose reel, and 1,500’ of 1” forestry hose.
  • For the 2022 FEMA Grant, the company once again partnered with other area organizations to apply for new turn-out gear through a regional grant application.  In September 2022, participating companies were notified that the grant application was approved.  Our company was awarded 15 new sets of turn-out gear.
  • On October 8th, 2022 the 2005 Pierce Tanker sale was completed and left for its new home at the Milroy Hose Company.
  • October also saw the delivery of our new 2022 Pierce Enforcer 3000 gallon tanker. The truck was loaded with hose and fittings and other loose equipment was placed into service by the end of the month.

2005 Pierce Dash 2500 gallon Tanker

  • In January of 2020, the company was contacted by members of the West Liberty Fire Company out of West Liberty, West Virginia, with interest in purchasing the 2010 Arrow.
  • At our regular monthly meeting in February of 2020, members decided to release the truck if an agreement could be made on the sale.  The 2015 Saber would then be equipped to cover the duties of the 2010 until the new Attack arrived.
  • On March 14th, 2020, after many weeks of contract signing and figuring out logistics, the 2010 Pierce Arrow XT was officially sold to the the West Liberty Fire Company.  Members from West Liberty drove in to pick up the truck and take it home.
  • As March wore on, COVID-19, which had entered the US in January, started to become a real concern.  ETVFC leadership met with leadership of both Boyertown and Oley EMS agencies as well as Earl Township Supervisors and Earl Township Emergency Management.  Response plans were put in place as well as personal protective equipment (PPE) plans.  All in-person meetings and trainings were suspended through the month of March and April.

2019 Ford F550 / Vengeant 1250gpm Mini-Pumper

1985 Ford C / Pierce Mfg. 1000 gpm Pumper

2022 Pierce Enforcer 3000 gal. Tanker

  • On July 17, 1985 the Pierce Pumper Truck is delivered and equipped with a 4,000 watt generator, 1,000’ of 3” hose, and additional equipment at a cost of $10,000.00.
  • Boyertown Area Fire Prevention Association is formed in 1986 and Earl Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 becomes a member.
  • On September 13, 1986 a Housing Ceremony for the Pierce Pumper Truck is held.
  • 1986 Purchases:  Eight Tone-alert pagers purchased
  • 1987 Purchases:  Additional Tone-alert pagers, steel insulated doors for Social Hall and Engine Room.
  • Conestoga Telephone Company is granted permission to construct a building on Fire House property in 1988; this agreement provides additional monthly income.
  • In 1988 a Truck Committee is formed for purchase of a new Tank Truck.
  • 1988 Purchases:  Steel insulated garage doors with automatic openers, two hand-held radios with chargers.
  • In 1989, Pierce MFG. is contracted to build a 2500 gallon tanker on a Pierce Lance chassis.  The truck will be powered with a 6V92 Detroit Diesel and equipped with a 1000gpm pump. The chassis has room for 6 firefighters and the body will include storage for a 2500 gallon "porta-pond".
  • In December 2008 each member received a new Motorola Minitor 5 Highband pager in preparation for the new Highband paging system to go live in 2009.
  • September 9th, 2009, our 1955 Boyertown/Ford Pumper was donated to the Boyertown Museum of historic vehicles.  The Pumper will be on display at the museum from time to time and brought our occasionally for shows and parades.
  • A truck committee is formed in late 2009 to research a replacement engine to replace the 1998 Pierce Dash Engine.
  • In December 2009, Pierce Mfg. was commissioned to build a 2010 Pierce Arrow XT pumper.  Building the truck will start once approval is given of the final specs.

Our History

Officially chartered September 8th, 1948, the Earl Township Vol. Fire Co. No.1 has been providing fire protection services to our residents and neighboring townships alike for over 70 years.  Below is a snapshot of important events from each decade since our establishment.

2020 to Present

  • As we rounded into May and June of 2020, members began to meet again and trainings began to resume, following guidelines put fourth by the CDC.

  • May 2020 - 21 New Draeger SCBA's were placed into service thanks to the FEMA grant which was awarded to us in 2019.

  • August 7th, 2020, the new Attack was delivered to Station, the process of getting the truck ready for service began.

  • A regional grant was applied for through FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant in late 2020 to purchase 2 new Combination Cutter/Spreader rescue tools.  The grant was applied for as a regional grant which included Pennsburg and Oley Fire Companies.

  • December 2020 - New I-pads were installed in Attack, Engine, Tanker and Brush 19-1.  

  • In March of 2021 a committee was formed to start the process of replacing the 2005 Pierce Tanker.  The membership decided to replace the Tanker at 17.5 years and keep the new tanker for 17.5 years for everything to fall in line with our replacement plan based on adjustments of selling the 2010 Engine early,

  • In June 2021 the company signed an agreement with Pierce Manufacturing to purchase a 2022 Pierce Enforcer 3000 gallon tanker.  The truck is expected to be delivered in July of 2022.

  • Also in June of 2021, A grant request was submitted to the PA DCNR to replace the skid unit on Brush 19-1. This would replace the 25 year old skid unit and better align the age of the unit with the age of the truck.  

  • The company was notified by PA DCNR in August 2021 that the skid unit grant was approved.  A contract was signed with Wild Bear Fire of Shanesville, PA to purchase a new 150 gallon skid unit with dual hose reels for Brush 19-1. The old skid unit was place up for sale in November 2021.

  • In August of 2021, companies who took part in the 2020 FEMA regional grant were notified that the rescue tool grant was awarded.  Total award for all 3 companies exceeded $275,000.

  • In October 2021, our 2005 Pierce Tanker was listed for sale.  Shortly after listing the truck, we were contacted by members of the Milroy Hose Company in Miffilin County, PA.  With-in a few short weeks, the an agreement of sale was signed between our two organizations.  The 2005 will be delivered to them once the new tanker arrives/

  • On December 23rd 2022 the Company took delivery of 2 new Hurst E3 E-draulic "Combi" Tools to be placed into service on Engine and Attack 19.  These are the first of their kind rescue tools for the company.

  • Our new Skid Unit was placed into service in January of 2022

  • At our Holiday Party on January 16th, 2022, we honored four member who have each served our company in varying rolls for many decades.  Steve Reinert - 49 Years Of Service, Ernie Moser - 48 Years Of Service, David Spohn - 48 Years Of Service, Leroy Fetterman - 44 Years Of Service.  With almost a combined 200 years of service, these gentleman have reached a milestone which is becoming harder and harder to find.  We are forever grateful of their dedication.

Earl Township Fire Company - 1951

1970 - 1980

  • The Fire House is expanded in 1970 with a two bay addition. The old bays are remodeled to expand the Social Hall.
  • With a $650.00 donation from the Ladies Auxiliary, in 1972 the first two Air Packs are purchased. 
  • In late 72', a 1973 AMC Jeep J4000 pick-up truck is purchased from a Jeep dealer in Bechtelsville for $2,050.00.  The Jeep is equipped with a 360 cu.in. engine and a 3 speed manual trans.  An FMC brand slide-in "skid-unit" is purchased for $1,750.00 and installed on the Jeep which officially put into service our first brush truck.
  • The Fire House kitchen is remodeled with donation from the Ladies Auxiliary in 1974.
  • A 1969 International chassis is purchased for $4,000.00 in 1976 and Allied Tank is contracted to build and install equipment    compartments, a tank and mount a pump on new truck for $13,400.00.  This truck replaced the tanker purchased in 1968.

2008 Ford F350's - Brush 19 & 19-1

1955 Ford F600 / Boyertown Body Works Pumper

Photo courtesy of Robert Ward

  • 2012 was one of the busiest brush seasons the Fire Company has ever experienced.  The new ATV was utilized at almost a dozen different large incidents throughout the county from late March through May of this year.   April 10th - 12th, 2012 - ATV 19 responded to one of the largest brush fires ever to hit Berks/Chester County.  Over 700 acres burned at French Creek State Park.  ATV 19 was utilized over 2 separate days and one 12 hour night shift to help bring the fire under control. 
  • 2012 Wouldn't give up without a fight.  Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy hit our region on October 29th into the 30th.  The fire company ran dozens upon dozens of calls for service over the duration of the storm and the following 24 hours after.  The storm left almost all roads in the township impassable for a time.  Some roads were closed for days.  On October 31st, MetEd reported over 700 customers in Earl Township without power.  Thankfully the fire company has a back-up generator whereas residents could stop in at anytime of day or night to charge battery powered devices, use the restrooms and refill water jugs.  The storm directly killed 2 Pennsylvania residents, one of which was in Pike Township, unfortunately. Type your paragraph here.

1960 - 1970

  • Additional 3 acre property adjacent to existing structure is purchased for $300.00 in 1965
  • 1967 - 1,000 gallon 1948 Ford Tank Truck is purchased from Oley Fire Company.
  • In 1968 a 1,650 gallon 1954 International Tank Truck is purchased from William R. Gift, Inc for $1,000.00 and a 200gpm pump is installed by Pottstown Metal Welding.  This truck replaced the 1948 Tank Truck. 

2015 Pierce Saber 4x4 CAFS Engine

1950 - 1960

  • February 14, 1950 - First Members meeting is held in the new Fire House.
  • 1950 - 10 year, $5,000.00 mortgage acquired from National Bank of Boyertown.
  • Earl Township Volunteer Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary is founded in 1950 with 15 members.
  • 1954 - $5,000.00 mortgage paid off with monies from fund raising and donations. A Truck Committee is formed to purchase a Fire Truck
  • 1955 - Truck committee purchases Ford Chassis and Boyertown Body Works builds the body of the Truck.  

 1973 Jeep J4000 Brush Truck / 1969 International Tanker

2010 Pierce Arrow XT 1250gpm Engine

Earl Township Fire Company - 1983

  • First Earl Township Tank Truck is purchased in May 1959 from William R. Gift, Inc for $600.00 and a removable portable pump is mounted to function as the main pump for this truck.

1926 American Lafrance Pumper

  • Saturday May 10th 2008, a housing is held for the 2005 Pierce Tanker.  
  • June 25th 2008, the 1995 Chevy Brush Truck is sold to Bethel Township Fire Co., Berks County, PA,
  • July 8th 2008, The 1973 Jeep brush truck is sold by bid to a gentleman in Coopersburg.
  • August 27th 2008,  2 - 2008 Ford F-350 Super Duties are placed into service to serve as Brush 19 & Brush 19-1

1998 Pierce Dash 1250 gpm Pumper