In 2018, Earl Township adopted Ordinance 2018-1 governing the use of "Consumer" and "Display" fireworks with-in the township. The ordinance details the conditions of use and prohibitions as well as penalties associated with the use of consumer fireworks.
Any questions, disputes and complaints should be directed to the township office. Please DO NOT call 911 to report a resident who is not following the ordinance. If there is no threat to life or property, essentially no emergency, please submit those reports to the township offices.
At a monthly township meeting on May 16th, 2022, the Earl Township Supervisors adopted Ordinance 2022-001 which outlines what can and cannot be burned, when and when not to burn and outlines where on your property you may burn, among other things. Click the link below to view the entire ordinance.
Any questions, disputes and complaints should be directed to the township office. Please DO NOT call 911 to report a resident who is not following the ordinance. If there is no threat to life or property, essentially no emergency, please submit those reports to the township offices.
Under Section 305, "Exceptions" item B & D, it is noted that the fire company is to be notified if a resident will be burning "leaf waste" (section 305B) or for "agricultural purposes" (section 305D) on a property of 3 acres or more and without containment.. (See below for those ordinance items). Please use the contact form on this page to make that notification.
Section 305-B
A fire may be set for burning leaf waste uncontained on lots of three (3) acres or more provided the Fire Company is notified at least eight (8) hours prior to scheduled burnand the setbacks set forth in Section 306D are met.
Section 305-D
Open fires for burning for agricultural purposes may be set for controlled burning on primarily agricultural lots provided the Fire Company is notified at least eight (8) hours prior to scheduled burn and it is setback fifty feet (50’) from any structure, property boundary or woods line.
Ordinance does not apply to gas or charcoal fires used for cooking purposes in appliances designed for the purpose of preparing food
All Rights Reserved Earl Township Vol. Fire Co. No. 1 © 2024
Emergency Dial: 911
Non Emergency
Fire, Rescue: (610) 655-4921
Office: (610) 369-1800
Fax: (610) 369-7233
Privacy Policy
Earl Township Vol. Fire Co. No. 1
1340 Ironstone Drive
Boyertown, PA 19512
Office Hours:
Training Night: Monday 6:30 - 9 p.m.
Meeting: 2nd Tuesday/Month 7 p.m.